An extremely rare and unusual issue
Los 1048
Forces of Galba in Spain. In the name of Augustus, 27 BC-AD 14. Denarius (Silver, 17 mm, 2.76 g, 7 h), uncertain mint in Spain. Group A.II, 3 April-2nd half of June 68. S P Q R / CL V in two lines above two palm fronds; all on round shield. Rev. CAESAR AVGVSTVS Bare head of Augustus to right. BMC p. 303, †. CG 63.1 (this coin). Cohen 295 ('Augustus, fabrique étrangère'). Martin A 34 and pl.1 2, A 34 = Nicolas A24 and pl. XXII, A24 P (same dies). RIC 108. Extremely rare, one of just five known examples, only two of which are in private hands. A beautifully toned coin with interesting iconography. Somewhat rough and the reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, good very fine.

From the collection of Dipl.-Ing. Christian Gollnow, ex Künker 226, 11 March 2013, 779.

The clipeus virtutis was an honorary shield awarded to Octavian in 27 BC by the Senate of Rome in combination with the corona civica and the title Augustus. While usually described as the reverse type, the incuse punch around the portrait of Augustus on all surviving examples clearly shows that the shield actually represents the obverse of this intriguing issue.
1000 CHF
800 CHF
3600 CHF
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